Requirements: 2 or 4 year degree Description: The Perfect Circle Credit Union Scholarship Fund was established in March 2005 to provide scholarships for students who are residents of Henry County who […]
Requirements: 3.0 GPA or higher, Music, art, theatre, education Description: Established by Charles and Maria Preble to honor Charles and his brothers, all graduates of New Castle High School. This fund […]
Requirements: Henry County resident, need with work study, renewable Description: The Purdue Opportunity Unlimited Scholarship Fund was established by Purdue Alumni residing in Henry County to provide scholarships for students who […]
Requirements: Knightstown graduating senior, 2.5 GPA, technical certificate/2/4 year degree Description: Duane and Peg Queener have long-served the Knightstown community, with Duane serving as a teacher, administrator, and varsity boys’ basketball […]
Requirements: 3.0+ GPA, BA, BS degree, completed freshman year Description: Available to any person who has graduated from an accredited high school in Henry County or surrounding county and who is […]
Requirements: 2.5+ GPA, renewable, including summer sessions Description: The Ray Pavy Spirit Scholarship Fund was established in August 2005 to honor Dr. Ray Pavy by the Friends of Ray Pavy to provide […]
Requirements: Purdue Univ., 2.67+ GPA, renewable, financial need considered Description: This scholarship was established to benefit young men and women who graduate from Knightstown High School and wish to pursue a […]
Requirements: New Castle graduating senior, community involvement, athlete, 3.0 GPA, financial need Description: Established by Joyce Veach in memory of her husband Robert, the award is for New Castle High School graduating […]
Requirements: Nursing major, financial need Description: Roger Burke was a resident of New Castle and a graduate of New Castle High School with the Class of 1951. Roger was a […]
Requirements: Shenandoah graduating senior, medical field, financial need Description: HM1 (FMF/MCD/PJ) Ryan Michael Lohrey, a Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman, died suddenly on July 10, 2017, along with his Marine Raider teammates […]