Who is eligible to apply?
Each scholarship fund has specific eligibility criteria that were defined by the donor when the fund was established. Students should read through the specific criteria to see if they are eligible for any of the scholarships and apply by the deadline.
How do I apply?
Visit the main scholarship page on our website to read the full scholarship description and access the scholarship application once it becomes available online. Students must fill out their own applications.
Are all scholarships for Indiana residents?
How much does it cost to apply for a scholarship?
There is no charge.
Are the scholarships awarded sufficient to pay the cost of my college education?
No. These scholarships are intended to provide only partial support. In addition to applying for scholarships through The Foundation, you should look into other financial aid resources such as federal grants, loans and work-study awards. A complete financial package can be put together by your high school counselor or your college financial aid office and may include a portion of each of the above types of financial aid. You can also visit our Scholarships page for additional scholarship search engines, federal and state funding information, and other funding opportunities.
What can my scholarship be used for?
The scholarships are for tuition, room and board, and other educational expenses unless otherwise stated on our website.
If I am awarded a scholarship, how much will I get?
Most scholarships offer varying award amounts, which range from $100 to $5,000, depending on the size of the particular fund, the number of qualified applicants, and the wishes of the donors. Your letter announcing your award will include the scholarship amount, which will be split evenly between your fall and spring semesters, with checks sent directly to the college.
What if I'm a 21st Century Scholar?
If you are a 21st Century Scholar, be sure to share what amount of your tuition is covered by 21st Century. Most HCCF scholarships cover the costs of tuition as well as room and board, books, and other fees. Check the website for details. All applicants are required to fill out financial information for the application, but not all scholarships require this information. Again, each scholarship will state what is required on the website.
Where can I go to school with these scholarships?
Unless noted differently under the scholarship description, the scholarships are for accredited schools anywhere in the United States. We cannot make awards outside of the United States.
Can I use my scholarship at any college?
No. Some scholarships are more specific than others about what universities they can be paid to. We have some that are only for Indiana schools and a few that are more specific, such as for Purdue or Indiana University. A few give preference to students attending particular schools. Each scholarship gives details about requirements they have regarding what schools they can be used at.
What if I change colleges?
Please contact the Foundation ASAP with your updated college information and student ID number so checks will be sent to the correct college, whether it is prior to your freshman year or in the midst of your college career. It is the student’s responsibility to stay in contact with the Foundation throughout their college career.
May I receive grants from more than one scholarship?
Yes, you can apply to all the scholarships for which you are eligible and can be selected as a recipient by any or all.
How do I apply?
Students must submit the following sections of the scholarship application online:
–General Application
–Personal Data
–Financial Information (not all scholarship committees require this section)
–High School and/or College Transcripts
–Two Recommendation Letters
–Attachments as Requested
Please follow the guidelines laid out by each scholarship, as some require additional materials such as an essay or other documents.
When should I apply?
Spring scholarship applications open online November 1st. Your application, recommendation letters, transcripts and other supporting material must be received by the Community Foundation on or before the deadline. To ensure that your application is on time, you should request your transcript and recommendation letters at least two weeks before the deadline. All recommendations and transcripts will be submitted online.
College students should check the due date listed on the scholarship for which they are applying, as the deadline varies.
How am I matched to scholarships with the online application?
All students fill out one application through the Common Application. Based on their answers, students will be matched to scholarship funds in the Fund Eligibility section of the application. The Fund Eligibility will match applicants based on their answers in the following sections: Prequalification Checklist, Student Information, Education Information, and Student Financial Information. If the Fund Eligibility section is not populated, students should ensure that all questions in those sections are answered. If you believe you have not been matched to a scholarship you think you are eligible for, please contact our office.
Do I need to pay scholarship money back?
No. These are charitable grants that do not need to be paid back. However, if you receive the Sparks Nursing scholarship and do not complete nursing training and fulfill your obligation, repayment is required.
How are the scholarship decisions made?
A selection/nominating committee will meet after the deadline to review each application and select the recipients based on the criteria established by the donor.
If I am awarded a scholarship, do I get the check?
No. Award checks will be made payable to the institution and mailed shortly after selection, prior to the beginning of the Fall semester once a thank you card addressed to the donor has been received at the Foundation.
If I am awarded a scholarship, what are my responsibilities?
Scholarship recipients must attend college on a full-time basis in the fall of the year in which the scholarships are awarded and continue in college that entire academic year without interruption, barring illness or emergency. Recipients of renewable scholarships are responsible for providing the Foundation with a copy of grades with cumulative GPA following the spring semester and sending donors a thank you card upon receiving each new scholarship. Funds will not be released from the Foundation until a thank you card is received at our offices.
Most awards received in freshman year are one-time awards. Only students that submit their spring transcripts will be considered for renewable scholarships or they can apply for scholarships that are available to college students (please see the application for current college students).
If I receive a scholarship one year, will I automatically receive an award for the following year?
No. Students must submit a copy of their spring transcripts each year in order to be considered for a renewable scholarship.
When would I be notified?
High School recipients will be notified during Honor Day ceremonies at their schools. College students will be notified mid-May. William F. Byrket recipients will be notified mid-June.
Do I need to include an official transcript with my application?
No. You may submit a copy of your transcript with your applications. However, please make sure all the information on the transcript can be clearly read.
Does my reference have to use the recommendation form or can they include a letter?
Either option is acceptable, but it must be submitted online with the application by the person who is supplying the recommendation. It cannot come at a later time. Applications that are submitted without recommendations are incomplete.
Recommendations can come from a teacher or former teacher, principal, employer, minister, or family friend, but may not come from a family member. A recommendation will be sent out in the form of an email request from your Foundant account, so be sure to ask for the recommendation prior to sending it and notify the person that the email may go to their spam email folder. Give the person at least two weeks to write a solid recommendation for you and ask someone who knows you well. If needed, provide them with your resume. Do not ask someone less than a week before the deadline, as you may not give them enough time to write it.
Do scholarships have major requirements?
Yes, certain scholarships are very stringent about the major field of study requirements, but others only give preference to students with certain majors. Check the requirements, as only students majoring in those fields can receive major-based scholarships. It is the responsibility of the student to notify HCCF if they change majors.