Description: This award is a scholarship to a Henry County resident who is enrolled in/accepted to an accredited college or university. This is for a student pursing a certification, 2 […]
Requirements: Mortuary sciences, music, ministry, 2 or 4 year To be used for tuition, room and board, and educational expenses. CRITERIA: 1) Henry County Resident 2) Two or four- year public or private institution […]
Requirements: Liberal Arts College, renewable 2.5+ GPA Description: Available to any senior in Henry County who plans to attend an accredited Liberal Arts College (i.e. Hanover, Butler, DePauw, Wabash, etc.). May […]
Requirements: Henry County resident, Graduating senior, 2.5 GPA, Elementary Education major, preference to pre-professional AAFCS certification in Education Fundamentals or Early Childhood Education, dual credits and/or taking Education Careers classes at […]
Requirements: 10 yr 4-H member, 2 or 4 year or technical school, 2.3+ GPA Description: Established by the 4-H Community as well as family and friends, the Jessica Hale Memorial Scholarship […]
Requirements: 10 Yr 4-H Member, Field of Science, 2 or 4 year college, Henry County resident, renewable Description: Jessica was known for her love of 4-H and her intense interest in […]
Requirements: Pursuing certification, 2 or 4 year program, Henry County, IN resident, renewable Description: This award is a scholarship to a graduating senior who is a resident of Henry County, IN, […]
Requirements: certificate, 2 or 4 year degree, preference to Magna descendant Description: Scholarship available to residents of Henry County and lineal descendants of employees of Magna Machine and Tool Company. Others […]
Requirements: New Castle resident, attending Ivy Tech Community College, Nursing degree, financial need, preference to those raised in a single-parent home Description: In 2017 William Fuller established a scholarship in honor […]
Requirements: Henry County resident, Graduating senior or current college student, 2.5 GPA, certification, vocational, 2 or 4 year degree, Masters or PhD CRITERIA: 1. Henry County Resident 2. Graduating Senior or […]