Maribeth Taylor

Maribeth Taylor

For Maribeth, Henry County has been home most of her life except for college and briefly teaching in Ohio. She became involved in the Foundation and was asked to be part of the Development Committee and then on the board. Maribeth shares why the gift of service is so important, 

“There are many rewards to being part of the foundation board; serving others, helping Henry County be a better place, and sharing the awesome work of the Foundation to others. It is my belief that God’s plan is for us to serve others in any capacity we are able. The Foundation is a unique opportunity to help others channel their gifts to causes they cherish. I am proud to be a part of the board and to interact with so many philanthropic people.” Maribeth is a retired kindergarten teacher and taught at Westwood Elementary for 34 years. She then had her own private kindergarten called Building Blocks Kindergarten for 9 years.